Friday, December 9, 2011


I love my husband. I truly love my husband. He is a good man, a great man, a patient man. This entry is not going to be a hate fest or a love fest. It's just going to be the facts.

After baby EVERYTHING changes.
Everything really does change. Her body changes and the Husband learns to deal with his new responsibility as a father. I'm not insinuating that a real man takes responsibility BUT a real man will take responsibility and do so without complaining to take care of his wife and new child. The wife needs to make sure that she shows appreciation for all the work he is doing.

I have failed at showing my appreciation. I'm not the best wife in the world and Hubby knows that. Admitting that I have failed him as a wife to him...very difficult. Hubby has made many sacrifices so that Baby Boy and I can live comfortable. I need to work part time so Hubby pushed back his schedule later so that he could be here in the morning to take care of Baby Boy until I am off of work. He knows I want to someday be a stay at home mom so he is working very hard to work towards a promotion.

I fail. I promise for Christmas Hubby will know how much I appreciate and love him.

Tomorrow's post??? Hopefully it will be about my new nephew ;)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Zoo

Yesterday I went to the zoo. I went to the zoo with Baby Boy AND his little cousin, BY MYSELF!!! I know, I know before you start showering me with phrases of how brave and amazing I am let me tell you something. Two kids is a TON of work!!! You never have a moment to breathe or to think. I can't imagine grocery shopping. As I stand contemplating the prices of produce I would surely lose one kid.

I kind of knew this when I volunteered to take my niece to the zoo so I came prepared. I had Baby Boy in my ergo. (BTW if you don't have one of these buy one immediately!!! ERGO Carrier the Best thing EVER!!!) My little niece was strapped into the stroller...or so I thought! She was like Houdini!!! Before I had a chance to look at the flamingos she had somehow gotten out of the straps and was standing up in the stroller. She gave me a heart attack! I had visions of her going down in a pile of appendages. Meanwhile I'm stuck having to explain to her VERY pregnant mother why she would be happier with her soon to be newborn than with her rambunctious 20 month old.

All in all it was a very productive day. The kids had fun playing with each other and both of them are still alive in one piece. After we got home from the Zoo they were both passed out for about 30 minutes in the car while I got some quiet time to myself.

Great fun, although I don't think I will be doing that again anytime soon!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Garage Door

Day 1-Thursday afternoon our garage door stopped working. I was so bummed. I hate having to walk outside to get my car. I know, I know, I'm a spoiled suburban housewife.

Day 2-Friday evening my brother comes over to see if maybe he can fix the garage door. He finds the problem of but is unable to fix it. After a phone call with my husband, in which we discuss how little money we have, he thinks it's time to call the home warranty people and report our problem. For those of you who own a home and don't have a home warranty I recommend that you look into it and get one. NOW!

Day 3- Saturday- I complain to my husband that I have to walk through the front door, OUTSIDE and all the way out to my car that is getting abused by the elements. Hubby rolls his eyes.

Day 4- Sunday- Hubby complains about how much work it is to carry Baby Boy out to the car when we don't have the use of our garage. I roll my eyes at him and think, "now do you get why I have been bitching about this stupid garage door!!" We then journey with my brother and his family to purchase our Christmas tree. After we get back home my brother decides to take one last look at the garage door. In doing so he wrecks the door EVEN MORE!!! Now the garage door is OPEN and he can't get it DOWN!!! After over an hour of fighting with the door, help from Hubby and the neighbor they finally get the door down. After my brother leaves my husband confides in me that if the garage door isn't under warranty we can't afford to get it fixed and will have to park outside for the interim.

Day 5- Monday- Hubby gets a call from the door people. They plan to come out Tuesday (today) and won't know if it's covered by the warranty until they look at the door.

Day 6- TODAY!!! GARAGE DOOR DAY!!! The man comes out to look at the door. After one excruciatingly long minute of examining the problem the garage door man (A.K.A my savior) turns to me and says...."I can have this fixed in a jiffy. It's covered by the warranty, just give me a minute to fill out the paper work and call this in." Just like that our garage door saga ended. The door is functioning and working. Life can now go on!!!!

Tomorrow I will post about our outing to the zoo. I will have my 1 and a half year old niece with me so I'm hoping to have some good stories.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Today's visit from the in-law was very tame. My father-in-law drove up for a quick daytime visit and while he was here I was at work. Not that I don't like my in-laws they just haven't morphed into feeling like a part of my family yet. I know that he really just drove up to see Baby Boy so I didn't really make a huge effort to see him.

My in-law was able to get some awesome pictures and a video to take back to show his wife. My father-in-law was also able to send me a picture of Hubby, Baby Boy, and I. It is such a cute picture that I am hoping to add it at the end of this blog if I can figure that out. I added it to our Christmas card. It looks so freaking cute!!! It took a few hours to pick just the right one but I figured it out. I can't wait to get the cards in the mail and send them out to people. Gotta love the snail mail!

As I write this blog I am also watching TV. Is it so wrong that as a grown woman I want a xbox kinect??? That is really what I want for Christmas but I feel embarrassed to ask for it. I think the kinect would be so fun to play with friends ect. I want one...

Below the cute pic going on our Christmas Card. So cute right!!!??

"Mom, Dad, I can't breathe!!"

In tomorrows post I will fill everyone in on the saga of the broken garage door. :(

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday, Fun Day

Today was some what successful. Not as successful as I would have liked it to be but I think we did pretty well.

Went to church-check
cleaned house-check
get Christmas Tree-check
clean house some more????

So my house isn't as clean as I would like it to be. My in-laws are coming tomorrow and I still have so much to do!!! Our bedroom is a MESS and I haven't gotten to the guest bathroom yet. On top of all this I have to work tomorrow so most of the last second cleaning is going to fall on Hubby's shoulders. I hope he is up to the task.

The one good thing that came out of today is that we were able to get a tree today. We actually got to go to a tree farm and cut one down. It was really fun and I'm so excited to start some new Christmas traditions in our family. I didn't grow up cutting down a tree for Christmas and neither did Hubby but we both decided that it would be cool to do this for Christmas.

Thats all I have to say about today. I still have a TON of cleaning to do still before tomorrow morning. I should have an interesting post for you all tomorrow about my in-laws.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I have a love hate relationship with weekends. On Friday night my idea of what the weekend will be like is very ambitious. By the time Sunday night rolls around I feel like a complete failure. Now that I find myself in the middle of a weekend I am going to share with you what I hope my Sunday will look like.

Tomorrow the Winrow family will be going to Church. After which I plan to clean my house. (Something I am doing constantly since my in-laws are spending Christmas with us this year, more on that in another post.) Later in the afternoon the Winrow family will be meeting up with the Ruiz family as we journey to a Christmas tree farm to cut down our first Christmas tree as a family. We will then return home and prepare the house for the Christmas season. After the house is decorated I will once again run around the house and clean it. Somewhere in between all of this I plan to do laundry for Baby Boy.

These are my plans for tomorrow. We shall see how much of these plans get done. I will update you all with my progress. I hope that we will be quite successful but I'm just being positive. If nothing else I hope to have Christmas-tree-cuting pictures to share with you all.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friends, How many of us have them???

I was supposed to post about watching my cousin's kids today but last minute changes happened and it just ended up being me and Baby Boy today. We had a pretty relaxing day. I was able to clean my house. Like actually clean it. I cleaned the floors, got rid of clutter that had collected on the kitchen table, and dusted in the family room!!! My house feels so good right now. To top it all off my friend called me this evening. We had a really good chat. I miss her :(

It's not that having a baby changed our relationship but life has changed it. We used to live blocks away from each other now she lives in San Jose and I live in Roseville. She used to be single, I used to be dating. I got engaged then married. She found a nice guy and a serious relationship. She's still teaching while I quit teaching and work for the family who gives me the hours I need for the money I want. The important things are still there though. We can talk on the phone and laugh and have a great conversation just like old times. The only thing that is missing is her face and a bottle of wine :)

Friends after baby take on a different shape and body than before baby. Before baby you can actually get out of the house to hang out with them. After baby you are lucky if you can get time for a 20 minute conversation. Taking a weekend trip to San Jose with baby in tow?? YA RIGHT!!!!!! Making plans for a Rockin' New Years Eve party??? Don't invite us we go to bed by 8 p.m. and need to be up by 2 a.m. to feed the baby.

Having a baby certainly changes things. Some for the better, other changes just suck. Regardless I love having as good of friends as I do. I truly am blessed. I look forward to the next phone conversation and time with friends no matter how short.